Multinational Monitor

JUN 2002
VOL 23 No. 6


An Epidemic of Neglect: Neglected Diseases and the Health Burden in Poor Countries
by Rachel Cohen

Victory and Betrayal: The Third World Takes on Rich Countries in the Struggle for Access to Medicines
by Asia Russell

Commentary: Patents Pools and the AIDS Crisis
by James Love

The Evergreen Patent System: Pharmaceutical Company Tactics to Extend Patent Protection
by Robert Weissman


Essential Drugs and Health for All: Healthy Innovations from Bangladesh
an interview with
Zafrullah Chowdhury



Behind the Lines

Stripping Away Big Pharma’s Fig Leaf

The Front
Haiti’s Not-So-Free Zones

The Lawrence Summers Memorial Award

Names In the News


Letter to the Editor

In December 2001, Multinational Monitor named Wal-Mart one of the 10 worst corporations of the year, specifically citing, among other things, the company's poor labor rights record.

Now Wal-Mart executives are urging their shareholders to vote against a shareholder's proposal [to be considered at the company's June shareholders' meeting] regarding global human rights standards. This proposal includes a company commitment to implement a code of corporate conduct based on the International Labor Organization human rights standards, for its international suppliers and in its own international production facilities, and to commit to a program of outside, independent monitoring of compliance with these standards. The standards include the following:

1. All workers have the right to form and join trade unions and to bargain collectively.

2. Workers' representatives shall not be the subject of discrimination and shall have access to all work places necessary to enable them to carry out their representation functions.

3. There shall be no discrimination or intimidation in employment. Equality of opportunity and treatment shall be provided regardless of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, age, nationality, social origin or other distinguishing characteristics.

4. Employment shall be freely chosen. There shall be no use of force, including bonded or prison labor.

5. There shall be no use of child labor.

These standards are minimum compared to the travesty that our companies inflict in other countries and these high paid executives are urging their shareholders to vote against it. Let's not let them win at the expense of people everywhere.

- Rebecca Green
Seattle, Washington


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