Category: Uncategorized

  • Reclaiming Economic Freedom

    Every year, the Heritage Foundation, in conjunction with the Wall Street Journal, dutifully churns out its annual Index of Economic Freedom, a ratings guide to countries’ relative corporate hospitality. The book-length report makes a quite modest global media splash every year. A Lexis search shows the 2008 report, issued last week, garnered (mostly quite short)…

  • Deregulation and the Financial Crisis

    It would be nice to write off the current crisis on Wall Street and global financial markets as something that only matters to the investor class. Unfortunately, the effects are already being felt in lower-income communities around the United States. Worst-case scenarios for what spins out from the U.S. mortgage meltdown are truly frightening —…

  • Big Business Is Even More Unpopular Than You Think

    The U.S. public holds Big Business in shockingly low regard. A November 2007 Harris poll found that less than 15 percent of the population believes each of the following industries to be “generally honest and trustworthy:” tobacco companies (3 percent); oil companies (3 percent); managed care companies such as HMOs (5 percent); health insurance companies…

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