Category: Uncategorized
SiCKO, Part II: Things Can Be Different
There are no talking head experts in Michael Moore’s masterful new film, SiCKO. The first part of SiCKO features regular people detailing the horrors of the U.S. healthcare system, based on their own experience. But more is needed than just a searing indictment of the present system. How to convey the idea that there is…
SiCKO, Part I: The Human Tragedy
When word got out that Michael Moore was working on a movie with the working title SiCKO, about the U.S. healthcare industry, the industry went bananas. Memos started shooting around, warning insurance and drug company executives and representatives to keep looking over their shoulders, to make sure they avoided being ambushed by Moore and a…
The Search for Climate Change Leadership
The Democratic controlled Congress is considering an energy bill. The likely outputs are pretty grim. Coal state members of Congress are pushing for coal-to-liquid projects that might help move in the direction of “energy independence” for the United States, but will make global warming worse. Senators from Michigan are set to gut efforts to increase…