Category: Uncategorized
Employers, Immigrants, Rights
Employers are winning lots of points in the media for their demonstrated understanding of immigrants’ desire to participate in today’s “Day Without An Immigrant” protests and boycott. To a considerable extent, employers have little choice but to authorize a job action their workers are going to undertake anyway. But there’s more going on here than…
A Stateless Philip Morris?
[posted on corp-focus, April 27, 2006] A Stateless Philip Morris? By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman Shareholders in Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris, are meeting today in East Hanover, New Jersey and singing “Happy Days Are Here Again.” Happy shareholders in a cigarette company is bad news for public health. In the short…
Footnote to “A Stateless Philip Morris?”
At Altria/Philip Morris’s annual shareholder meeting yesterday, Altria CEO Louis Camilleri was confronted by protesters, including Maori activists who came from New Zealand to denounce the company for selling a “Maori Mix” brand in Israel. Camilleri repeatedly apologized for the marketing effort. Maori Smokefree Coalition Director Shane Bradbrook told Camilleri, “Let me tell you, this…