The Multinational Monitor


L E T T E R S &

Letters to the Editor

I want to express my appreciation for allowing us to reprint your article concerning the Haitian women.

Enclosed find the pamphlet we made up and passed out at the new Metrodome at the last game of the Minnesota Twins on October 3, 1982.

Needless to say, the Twins last game, with their miserable record, only drew some 5,000 fans, but we were able to reach 4,000 people. Hopefully, during the winter months, I will be able to put this thing together, and be able to leaflet all the opening 1983 baseball games across the nation. If you have any ideas on this let me know.

The Minnesota UAW has been concerned for the past few years about the exploitation of people of Third World countries by multinationals, and this is probably one of the worst examples of exploitation and the continued erosion of human rights around the world.

Keep up the good work and we will be keeping in touch.

- L.R. Killeen
UAW Sub-Region 10 Director

Bloomington, MN

I've enjoyed reading your publication, which I buy at Left Bank Books in St. Louis, MO. One concern I have is that your datelines are often two months behind magazine date. In some cases there is a genuine need for more timely information. I'd like you, when possible, to strive for that objective.


- Jeff Fobes
St. Louis, MO

P.S. The Holden article on the Council of Americas (MM, June 1982) was astounding. I duly notice that the following month, you received an angry letter from Samuel Hayden, president of the Council. Perhaps you have broken the rules of journalism. I wonder if this is so. Obviously there are times to break the rules, as D. Ellsberg clearly showed with the Pentagon Papers. Thanks!

I have just finished reading the latest issue of Multinational Monitor, and I must tell you that your articles on the banks were fascinating. What a research job you have done and what a service you have rendered.

- Robert J. Marx, Rabbi
Highland Park, IL

Your publication is one of the finest helps to me in my work in the area of Social Justice and Awareness. I especially appreciate the length of the articles - very well done, very concise, and filled with information.

The September issue caused me some concern in the area of the cover. As I read it, the message that came across was that the Notre Dame students voted down the Nestle boycott which was not the truth. The article inside was very clear.

My concern is that folks not reading the inside may get the impression from the cover that Nestle was able to garner the support of the University.

It must be difficult to have few words on a cover convey what is inside with a lot of words.

Thanks for keeping us abreast of the facts out there.

- Mary Ellen Gondeck
Sisters of St. Joseph
West Regional Coordinator
Nazareth, MI

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