To the editor:
Discussions about national energy policy in the wake
of the Persian Gulf crisis seem to be taking place 20-30 years ago.
- Mideast
oil is discussed as though the U.S.-based multinational oil companies do
not control that oil and its price.
- Nuclear power is discussed as though
it is a reasonable alternative to petroleum. No mention is made of the
problem of nuclear waste. No mention is made of the 30-year limited lifespan
of nuclear reactors.
- Because you can fool some of the people most of the
time, I believe that there are some people who believe there is some merit
in nuclear energy. However, I don't think those fools make it to national
television. Rather, I believe the public proponents of nuclear energy are
directly or indirectly on the nuclear payroll. We are talking killer reactors
and murderous proponents.
- No dumb advocate, pushing for petro and nukes,
would be complete if he or she didn't make a case for more off-shore and
deadly Alaskan drilling for more of the unneeded oil.
Hezekiah Nickelson
Philadelphia, PA