Maxine Waters: I think that it
is unclear at this point. The president has indicated that he will initiate
a ceasefire and there are a lot of conditions that appear to go along with
it-- that Saddam has to do some other kinds of things. This is not the
kind of situation where it should be simply between Bush and Saddam Hussein
[to determine] what is going to happen. I think the United Nations and
the Third World must be involved in the future of that entire region.
certainly I am pleased about the fact that it appears that this madness
is coming to an end for the time being, I am not at all sure about the
future of the Persian Gulf or the Middle East. It seems to me that if we
really wanted to do something for the Middle East and for the world, we
would convene a world conference to talk about the future of the Middle
East, and peace and disarmament.
MM: How do you think the Bush administration
is going to try to "shape the peace?"
Waters: It appears the Bush administration
is basically basking in its victory and trying to send a signal not only
to Saddam but to the rest of the world that we are powerful and we can
prevail whenever we want to, and is thus [hoping] to gain more influence
in the world and in the Persian Gulf. I think the Bush administration ...
is more interested in influence, control and domination than it is in peaceful
coexistence, self- determination and trying to create an environment of
peace in the world. I think it is interested in having influence with the
oil-producing countries in the region and using [control over oil] as an
opportunity to leverage because of our inability to compete in world markets.
So I think it is about power.
MM: Do you expect there to be an ongoing
occupation of southern Iraq?
Waters: If I had to guess at this period,
I would say that is a real possibility, given the way this administration
thinks. I don't think there will be a clean break. I think this administration
sees itself as occupying or having some presence there. But I would think
if this administration has anything to do with it, it would be a United
States presence rather than a United Nations presence.
MM: Do you expect
the United States to establish a permanent military base in the region?
Waters: That is too much for me to predict, that kind of permanency. But
I think that the atmosphere is such that it could happen.
MM: You have
called attention to the over-representation of blacks and Latinos in the
U.S. troops in the Middle East.
Waters: First of all, I talked about it
a lot because I thought it was important to note, to at least have people
recognize that it was the case. That is important because of polls that
say blacks are unpatriotic [and news accounts that] marginalize minority
participation to the point where history would not record it.
I thought it would be a time to join the issue of disproportionate numbers
of blacks serving to liberate Kuwait and put an emir back on the throne
and then possibly come home to an America that does not provide opportunity
by way of jobs and housing. We have many Vietnam veterans who are homeless
on the streets; a disproportionate number of those are black. We have African-Americans
in this war who are managing missiles and other kinds of equipment but
who can't get trained for new possibilities and new jobs in this country.
We have a president who vetoed a civil rights bill that would guarantee
some permanency in the workplace and ability for upward mobility; a president
whose administration issues a decision that minorities can't get scholarships
in the public sector in the way that we have done in the past; a president
that started with Willie Horton ads and a president that went down and
campaigned alongside of Jesse Helms with racist ads in order to win an
election. As we look at African-Americans and minorities involved in the
conflict and a president who claims to love the soldiers, we cannot help
but ask: How much do you love them? Do you love them enough to right some
of the wrongs that have taken place as it relates to their ability to realize
their full potential as human beings in this country?
MM: What is your
opinion of the draft as a means to address these concerns?
Waters: Well,
first of all, let's talk about my basic belief: I don't believe in war.
I don't believe that you resolve conflict with war. I believe that war
is obsolete as a means of resolving conflict and that it should not be
about who is going to fight the war but rather about how do we stop fighting
the wars. It is about how do we get to the peace table rather than war.
Second, privileged people have the opportunity to escape war. With the
Vietnam War, people were able to utilize their status, money and wherewithal
to avoid the draft--by being in school or getting good draft counselling
or being able to flee. This makes the idea of whether there is fairness
even in a draft questionable.
I would not, even in this war, in the discussions
that I had, allow anyone to pit young folks against each other or communities
against each other over that question. Yes, the people who were in the
army volunteered, many of them looking for a better way of life, many of
them looking for a job that they couldn't find on the streets, many of
them looking to escape the mean streets. No, they did not anticipate that
they would be fighting anything or anybody.... For people who did not make
that decision because they did not feel that they had to, I don't begrudge
them that, and I don't feel that you equalize the situation with a draft.
I am glad that we did not get to a draft. I don't like the draft. Whether
or not a draft would be fair is not a question I really want to debate.
It is unfair for anybody, whether it be voluntary or with a draft, to have
to kill somebody else. Period.
MM: Do you think there will be any moves
in Congress after the war to reinstate a draft?
Waters: I don't think so.
Congress, pretty much like the President, is gloating about this great
victory that they have had bombing people into submission. It is pretty
heady right now and they think that they literally conquered without a
draft; they conquered with all these young men and women who wanted to
be there fighting for their country. I don't think that the draft is on
their minds at all.
MM: Congress' view of the war changed substantially.
Before the war started, there was substantial opposition, and days after
it had started, the opposition had totally eroded. What happened?
One thing that I have learned during this crisis is that our socialization
and indoctrination is much more thorough than I ever thought it to be.
Whatever happens from the time you are born in this country until the time
you are supposed to be able to think on your own, you have been infused
so much with "my country right or wrong," and the idea that it is unpatriotic
to question that, even though we have two political parties, in the final
analysis, they are both supposed to act just alike. The greatest example
of the indoctrination was the vote that you saw, where people felt that
they would be considered unpatriotic if they went against the president
and that they could not challenge. It helped me to understand that we really
don't have very much debate in this country, that we really don't have
very much in the way of two political parties.
In the final analysis, politicians
in their own selfish interests refused to stand up even when they didn't
believe we should be at war. They thought about their hides first and whether
or not they would get reelected based on the polls.
MM: Do you think there
were some who were genuinely opposed to the war, but went along to avoid
Waters: Yes, I do. I absolutely do. I don't think the numbers--
the six [who voted against the resolution supporting the war after it started]
was really the total number of people opposed to the war. I saw people
who were opposed to the war, who took the vote, who felt very guilty, who
couldn't look people in the eye very well, who knew they did not do the
correct thing, who felt that they had betrayed those that they had been
involved with in the peace movement. But, when the moment came to test
their courage, they did not have enough.
MM: Do you think more substantial
Congressional opposition would have affected the course of the war?
I think so. I think that the president, despite the fact that he was preparing
for war, really wanted a vote of support, in order not only to comply with
what some people thought the law is, but just politically in terms of his
own hide, to say that he had the support of the Congress. And I also think
that if some members of Congress had been willing to stand up against the
president, that people who were opposed the war or people who had questions
about whether it was right or wrong would have come forward in greater
I think some people did not have much information about it. They
never heard the word "Kuwait" before, they did not know very much about
the history of the Middle East, they did not know very much about Saddam
Hussein and Iraq, they did not know very much about the war between Iraq
and Iran, where we were and what we had supplied, they did not have an
opportunity to evaluate a lot of [information].
What they were told was
that there was another Hitler, and Hitler was Saddam Hussein and he had
nuclear weapons and he was going to bomb America from Iraq--that is literally
what they were told. Some people in their innocence, just took what they
heard. There was no real debate created. And I think one of the responsibilities
of leadership is to create a debate. And if members of Congress really
create a debate, and they talk about it at all the town meetings, then
I think that you would not see people just siding with the president based
on lack of information.
MM: Did Congress know anything more about what
was going on than the general public?
Waters: Not really. I went to a few
briefings and most of what I heard I had read in the papers or seen on
television. I did not find that [the administration] talked about strategy
or gave information that could somehow support the urgency of bombing people
into submission. They never told us how many children they killed, how
many people were dead under that rubble.
MM: What do you think the main
things the public--and apparently you--were not told that the military
people did know?
Waters: A lot of things. I think that we were certainly
not told about the number of deaths as a result of the bombing. I don't
think that we were really told that [the administration] was always prepared
to go to a ground war.
I think, by the way, that there was just enough
public opinion and debate on the question of a ground war to slow them
down. A lot of people [in Congress] who felt very guilty even about supporting
the president, found a way to come back, at least a little bit, by saying
the president should wait and not go to ground war. But that even became
a silly debate. I don't think that it is any better to say, "no ground
war, just bomb the hell out of them."
I don't think we were told the cost
of the war. I don't think we know that yet. They are going to come in for
some supplemental appropriations, which will begin to tell the story of
the hard costs. I think a lot of the support that the so-called allies
are supposed to give is going to be calculated in all kinds of funny ways
because America made all kinds of deals to get this coalition forged. The
administration wanted a country's name more than they wanted its money.
And if they had to pay off some, like Egypt, they just paid them off and
forgave their debt.
You never saw any stories of soldiers saying, "I hate
this place, I want out of here, this is idiotic, this is crazy." All you
saw was: "Well I am here to defend my country. And we need to go out and
get that guy and the sooner we get him the better." That is all you heard.
You never heard any dissent from soldiers or people who were really unhappy
in the Gulf.
We got a glimmer of some hardships that were imposed on families.
But I don't think we know the stories of the hardships of a lot of the
families that were involved, with mothers and fathers both in the Gulf
and their babies dropped with grandmothers and relatives at the last minute.
And I don't think we really understand what deals were cut with Israel
about the war. It was clear that there was a great effort to keep Israel
out of the war even after the Scud missiles. But I really think that somewhere
down the line, because of Israel's fear of Saddam, that there may be a
deal that the real solution is to kill him, and that might be what the
commitment is.
MM: What was the effect of the Pentagon maintaining such
tight control over war-related information?
Waters: Well, the interesting
thing was the public bought into it. People were angry with the reporter
from CNN, Peter Arnett, because he stayed [in Iraq] and tried to disseminate
information. All of a sudden he was a tool of Saddam Hussein's, a traitor.
We heard a lot of pronouncements that we shouldn't be provided with information,
because if they tell us Saddam Hussein is going to find out.
They made
Saddam Hussein bigger than life in all of this. And, it turns out, here
is a man who is pretty much cut off from the real world, from reality.
Here is a man who had amassed something and had built some bunkers, but
I think he appeared to lack any real understanding of what he was up against.
I am not impressed with the victory. I fully expected that if the United
States decided to take Kuwait back they could do it. It was easy, that
was not a big deal. We have spent billions of dollars to do that kind of
thing. So we took a country the size of New Jersey--big deal. This business
about we are so wonderful and we are so great because we have this massive
and terrific military victory escapes me.
In the final analysis, what did
they keep from us? They kept from us the real reason they did it. That
is still a question in my mind.
MM: What do you think was the real reason
for the war?
Waters: I don't know. I have lots of views on that, and they
are not thought out to the point where I can be absolutely certain. I really
do think it is about a lasting influence in the Middle East. The oil is
so very important. We have invested so much money in defense that we have
not invested in R & D and people. Japan has no oil and has to go to
the Middle East; it would be nice if we could stand at the gate and say,
"Give me the tip. We are not so sure we are going to let you have it, Japan;
we are really mad at you because you have outdone us in research and development
and you are just amassing so much power that we have to knock you down
a peg or two." It seems to have something to do with having an extra lever
of power to be able to negotiate in order to maintain our so-called dominance
in the world. I am suspicious [about the U.S. purpose in the war] and I
am suspicious in ways that lead me to believe that it is more about dominance
and world power than it is about simply creating an environment where people
can have peaceful coexistence.
I do think that Saddam was a problem, I
do believe that [Syrian President] Assad is a problem, I do believe that
[Iranian President] Rafsanjani is a problem. I do believe that there is
a lot going on in the Middle East that we don't understand so well, but
it is Saddam today and Assad tomorrow. I don't think the way to deal with
those particular countries is to arm them and then go to war with them.
I think that we can't run to war every time these problems arise. But we
wouldn't have to if they didn't have weapons of war. We arm them. They
don't really manufacture weapons. They buy them. And not only do they buy
them from the United States, they buy them from the other members of that
coalition, our allies in this crisis: Germany, the Soviet Union, France.
We could all stop doing that, and then we wouldn't have to worry about
whether Saddam has chemical warfare capabilities--we sold him that.
How will domestic affairs and budget allocations be affected in the aftermath
of the war?
Waters: We don't have a domestic agenda around here. I do think
we have the opportunity, even after the war, to make people feel badly
about the fact that we can't get universal health care but we can spend
all this money on weapons and war, even with the support for the war. I
intend to try to help do that. If we have the will, I think we can organize
and make an issue out of the lack of a domestic agenda and the fact that
we are unwilling to pay for domestic programs even as we're spending money
to not only pay for this war, but to build our reserves back up-- that's
[the administration's] next step: to get new F15s or 16s, to perfect the
Patriot, to go forward with Star Wars because the Patriot "proved" that
Star Wars works ... I think we can make the case for a domestic agenda.
If the Democrats want to do it they can do it. Do they have the will? I
don't know.
Waging Peace
An Interview With
Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Maxine Waters
is a first-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Los Angeles.
She serves on the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Development and
the Committee on Veteran's Affairs. Waters served from 1976 to 1990 in
the California State Assembly where she became the first woman in the state's
history to be elected by her colleagues to chair the Assembly Democratic
The Bush administration is more interested in influence, control and
domination than it i in peaceful co-existence and self-determination...
[The conflict has been] about power.
Multinational Monitor: Do you think the ceasefire is going to be
permanent or that hostilities may resume?
I am not impressed with the victory. I fully expected that if the United
States decided to take Kuwait back they could do it. So we took a country
the size of New Jersey - big deal.