Defenders of the Chilean Forest
024 Antonia López de Bello
Santiago, CHILE
Institute of Political Ecology (IEP)
774 Seminario
Santiago, CHILE
Greenpeace South Pacific
20 Loreto
Santiago, CHILE
National Committee for Defense of Flora and Fauna (Codeff)
1885 Sazie
Santiago, CHILE
Indigenous Pan-American Highway Commission
Apartado 4473
Zone 5, Panama City
Center for Popular Legal Assistance
Apartado 6-5866
El Dorado, PANAMA
National Organization of Peoples
of Colombia
Apartado 32395
International Union for the Conservation of Nature,
South America Avenida
Atahualpa 955 y República
Edifício Digicom, Piso 4
Casilla Postal 17-17-626
Survival International
11-15 Emerald Street
London WC1N 3QL
Wisconsin Review Commission
731 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Center for Alternative Mining Development Policy
210 Avon Street, No. 4
La Crosse, WI 54603
Midwest Treaty Network
731 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Safe Shopper's Bible:A Consumer's Guide to Nontoxic Household Products
By David Steinman, Samuel Epstein
New York:Macmillan, 1995
Backs to the Wall in Suriname: Forest Policy in a Country in Crisis
By Nigel Sizer, Richard Rice
Washington: World Resources Institute, 1995
Forest Politics in Suriname
By Marcus Colchester
Utrecht: International Books, 1995
Guyana:Fragile Frontier
By Marcus Colchester
New York:Monthly Review, 1995
Fight for the Forest: Chico Mendes in His Own Words
By Chico Mendes
New York:Monthly Review, 1992
Free Trade and Economic Restructuring in Latin America
By Fred Rosen, Deidre McFadyen (Eds.)
New York:Monthly Review, 1995
Silent Revolution:Rise of Market Economics in Latin America
By Duncan Green
London:Cassell, 1995
Report on the Track Records of Exxon and Rio Algom
Madison: Wisconsin Review Commission, 1995
New Resources Wars:Native and Environmental Struggles
Against Multinational Corporations
By Al Gedicks
Boston:South End Press, 1993