Trade Association Directory
AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA The trade group representing the major airlines is trying to prevent
the Department of Transportation from issuing guidelines this fall on
fair and unfair practices within the industry. The association instead
wants to have a commission study airline competition issues before the
Transportation Department can take any action. Discount airlines contend
that large carriers are keeping them out of lucrative markets by monopolizing
takeoff and landing slots at major domestic airports. AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION The American Bankers Association has a lot on its plate. For several
years it has lobbied for legislation that would allow banks to offer a
variety of financial services such as insurance. The bill narrowly passed
the House but action is uncertain in the Senate. The group is part of
a coalition pushing to tighten personal bankruptcy laws. It also is fighting
legislative proposals to overturn a Supreme Court decision limiting credit
union membership. The American Bankers Association, the plaintiff in the
case, argued that credit unions had illegally expanded their membership
to people who worked for different employers. AMERICAN FINANCIAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION This organization representing creditors has taken center stage in the
push to make it harder to wipe away debts. Despite opposition from consumer
groups, the House recently passed its version of personal bankruptcy legislation.
This year the American Financial Services Association has put together
a "series of small group fundraisers" for original sponsors of the bill
including Representatives Bill McCollum, R-Florida, and Rick Boucher,
D-Virginia. AMERICAN GAMING ASSOCIATION Formed by casinos in 1995, the group is led by Frank Farhrenkopf Jr.,
the chair of the Republican National Committee under Ronald Reagan. Last
fall, the American Gaming Association sponsored several Las Vegas fundraising
events for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It scored a major
victory in April when Senator Dan Coats, R-Indiana, withdrew a legislative
amendment that would have repealed the tax deduction for gambling losses.
The group is awaiting the results of a national gambling commission created
to study the effects of the industry. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE During behind-the-scenes negotiations on Capitol Hill for a special oil
industry provision, the Washington Post reported in May, institute lobbyist
Joel Saltzman sat in Wisconsin Democratic Representative David Obey's
chair and "sipped from Obey's water glass as he talked." Saltzman did
get oil companies what they wanted -- a temporary stay on regulations
that would have increased their royalty payments to Uncle Sam. Now they
want a bill changing the royalty payment system. Critics contend that
the revision would cost taxpayers at least $367 million a year. HEALTH INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA The "Harry and Louise" commercials created by the group's director, former Ohio Representative Bill Gradison, are credited with defeating President Clinton's 1993 health care proposals. Now the Health Insurance Association of America is running ads along with other insurers opposing bills to regulate managed care plans. The ads allege that every 1 percent rise in costs forces 200,000 to 400,000 people in the United States to lose their health insurance.
RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Hollywood, led by lobbyist Jack Valenti, wants Congress to ratify two
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties that would strengthen
international copyright laws and prevent piracy. The Recording Industry
Association of America claims piracy costs U.S. industries $14 billion
annually. Both the House and the Senate are considering industry-backed
legislation. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS Broadcasters received a gigantic windfall last year when the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) awarded them free space on the broadcast
spectrum worth between $12 billion and $70 billion to make the transition
to high definition television programming. Thanks to a provision in the
1997 budget bill, they might be able to hold on to these airwaves indefinitely.
The National Association of Broadcasters is fighting any FCC proposals
that would require them to provide candidates with free airtime. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION The association was among the biggest winners in the 1996 Small Business
Tax Bill. A provision in the bill phased out the excise tax on luxury
cars sold for more than $34,000 by 1 percent a year, ending the tax in
2003. Now the group wants Congress to pass a law creating a national standard
for "salvaged" vehicles -- cars labeled to let buyers know that they were
rebuilt because of an accident. State attorneys general and consumer groups
oppose the proposal, arguing it would preempt stronger state standards. NATIONAL BEER WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION Directed by former Representative Ron Sarasin of Connecticut, the trade
group recently scored a major legislative victory over advocacy groups
like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers when Congress dropped plans to lower
the drunk-driving standard from a blood alcohol-content level of .1 to
.08. Last year it quashed congressional attempts to investigate the effects
of broadcast alcohol advertising. Next on its legislative agenda? Rolling
back the beer tax. In 1990, Congress voted to double the excise tax on
beer to $18 a barrel -- the first increase in 40 years. NATIONAL CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATION The group was a big winner in the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which
deregulated the cable industry. Now more than two years later, studies
show that cable rates are up and competition is down. A recent Federal
Communications Commission study reports that four of the association's
members -- TCI, Time Warner, Media One, and Comcast -- control more than
62 percent of the market. Satellite companies like Echostar are lobbying
Congress to make cable markets more competitive. TOBACCO INSTITUTE The Tobacco Institute helped quash anti-smoking legislation in the Senate
in June. The average total campaign contributions from the tobacco industry
for the 42 Senators who voted against limiting debate -- effectively a
vote against the bill -- was $25,748. The average total for the 57 Senators
who voted for limiting debate was $7,986. -- Jennifer Schecter |