MAY 1998 � VOLUME 19� NUMBER 3
SLAPPing Back for Democracy
An Interview with George Pring |
George Pring is professor of law at the University of Denver College
of Law. He is co-author, with Penelope Canan, a University of Denver professor
of sociology, of SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out. For 13 years,
Pring and Canan have co-directed the SLAPPs Project, studying SLAPP suits
around the United States. Pring and Canan coined the term "SLAPPs," which
stands for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation in government. That is the real reason we are concerned about these lawsuits without taking sides one way or another on the merits: we are concerned about the effect SLAPPs have on public participation in our democracy. The concern is serious enough that the National Science Foundation funded our study. MM: What does a typical SLAPP suit look like? Another large category we call the "ultimate SLAPP." That is where government officials and government employees turn on the taxpayers and citizens for whom they work. Police SLAPPs, schoolteacher SLAPPs and other public official SLAPPs are prevalent against citizens who have, for example, spoken out against police brutality or made a complaint to a school board about an incompetent teacher. A third big category is SLAPPs against particular interest groups -- SLAPPs against environmentalists, consumer advocates, women's rights activists, labor unions. MM: Do you have an estimate as to how many SLAPPs are filed each
year? Using a variety of research approaches, we have looked at hundreds and hundreds of SLAPPs, and we think that is just the tip of the iceberg. We are looking at a phenomenon where potentially hundreds, maybe thousands, of these cases are filed a year, affecting tens of thousands of Americans. MM: The SLAPP suit phenomenon began in the 1970s? MM: Is it the case that local activists are more likely to be victimized
than people who are part of national organizations? MM: How do you explain that? MM: Do SLAPP filers target local activists simply because they
do not have the resources to defend themselves? Typically, though, when the Sierra Club has been sued, it is because they took a stand on a local issue, anything from a hotel on the California coastline to water projects to wilderness logging. MM: What is the effect when a SLAPP suit is filed? MM: What is the effect on people not targeted who become aware
of the SLAPP? Are they energized or chilled? MM: Against that backdrop, what effect does the threat of a SLAPP
suit have, even when they are not filed? MM: What are the legal grounds for SLAPP suits? About a third of cases are filed as defamation. The SLAPPers take the political communications -- the lobbying, the speeches, the testimony -- of the victims and say, "That libeled me or slandered me or defamed me." There are about six typical SLAPP counts we describe in the book, including abuse of process, conspiracy, civil rights violations and tortious interference with business practices. But defamation is definitely the major camouflage. MM: Are there any legitimate purposes for defamation and business
tort cases? It may make sense to punish a person for defamation if they badmouth someone in the street. But it is very suspect if suit is filed after a citizen enters into a legitimate public political context, where government is reaching out and asking for information specifically from the people, and the citizen says, "OK government, here is what I think, here is what I want, here is what you should do." MM: Is there a distinction between that kind of case and when people
are speaking out in an attempt to shape public opinion with an ultimate
goal of influencing public policy? Today, that antique language does not mean you have to petition or be seeking redress, or even have a grievance. It is really the ultimate right of every citizen in a democracy -- to lobby your government to do what you want. You can do it directly, and in most cases, the communications that triggered the SLAPP are direct communications to the government. However, some cases haven't got to that stage yet, and people are sued when they are still in an information mode with the general public, working to develop enough political support to go to the government and express their views. Those should be equally protected. MM: In the book, you listed a suit by the United Farm Workers against
agribusiness as an example of a SLAPP. Just as very sympathetic people like Cesar Chavez sue their political opponents for public political statements, which is a SLAPP, SLAPPs have been filed against the Ku Klux Klan for its political statements. All of that should be equally protected in our judgment. We do not see SLAPPs just as bad guys suing good guys. However, we did find the typical SLAPP is a for-profit business operation suing individual citizens or small, non-profit groups who are expressing idealistic views as opposed to monetary or economic views. SLAPPs highlight the tensions between the two pillars of our country: capitalism and democracy. With SLAPPs, you have them in a pitched battle in the courthouse. MM: So you think a private corporation can be SLAPPed? One of the most famous U.S. Supreme Court SLAPPs, the Omni case, involved two gigantic billboard companies -- how unsympathetic can you get? -- which were duking it out to get a monopoly on the business in a small town in Georgia. Each one lobbied the mayor and the city council, and there were suggestions of graft and bribery and all manner of corruption. Finally, one of the billboard companies succeeded in getting a city ordinance passed that grandfathered all of its billboards and stopped the newcomer from putting up any billboards. So the newcomer sued and said that the government lobbying by the winner was tortious interference with business and conspiracy. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision written by Justice Scalia, threw the case out, saying in effect, "That's ridiculous. Our First Amendment protects attempts to influence government action or outcome, regardless of motive or good faith behavior. We would rather sort all that out at the political level rather than the judicial level." MM: What are your solutions for SLAPPs? We provide a lot of information in the book about how citizens and groups that are involved in political activity can predict in advance when they are in danger of a SLAPP. The best cure is prevention. We have a lot on how to prevent SLAPPs, how to deal with them when they are first threatened, and advice to attorneys on how to handle them once they are filed. With regard to the courts, it is very simple. Courts should have an early warning process for identifying these cases and quickly dismissing them, to cut the chill off as soon as possible and get people back into the political process instead of the judicial process. Legislatively, we have worked to help New York, California and and about a dozen other states adopt anti-SLAPP or citizen protection acts. We provide a model law in the book that has been used in a number of states. We think that those are very effective, because they send advanced warnings to lawyers who otherwise might not stop and think before filing these bogus lawsuits: "Don't do this. It is against state policy. If you do do it, there is a very high likelihood that you will get a SLAPPback filed against you." The important thing to remember is SLAPPs are losers. They are the most losing lawsuit that can be filed in the United States today. Eighty to ninety percent of these cases are dismissed by the first or second court that looks at them. Admittedly, they are devastating in the real world. But as legitimate judicial filings, they are bogus, and they get thrown out. However, SLAPPbacks are big winners, once the victims get the SLAPP dismissed and then turn the table on the SLAPPer and its attorneys. We have worked in cases where there have been multi-million dollar recoveries, where juries have decided to punish SLAPPers and their lawyers for interfering with the American democratic ideal of public participation in government. MM: The model legislation essentially creates a SLAPPback right
of action? MM: To what extent are SLAPPs being used outside of the United
States? But there are large segments of the world where you just don't see them at all. That is not surprising given that we Americans are at an extreme worldwide in how much we trust and use courts. A lot of countries don't give their courts anything like the scope or power over normal human activities that we do. Some just "disappear" their political opponents. MM: Have you been able to identify any individuals, firms or groups
that originated or have pushed the idea of SLAPPs? The national teachers' union has done the opposite. It has been very anti-SLAPP, and encouraged teachers not to file lawsuits against parents who complain about them to the school board. However, there are some state teachers unions, including Colorado's, that have gone in the opposite direction, and have actually subsidized and gotten lawyers for teachers to strike back at parents who criticize their teaching or behavior toward students. MM: Have you seen any seminars for law firms on how to conduct
SLAPPs? One of the big surprises we found in the study was that SLAPPs typically are not David v. Goliath kinds of things, where corporate America was grinding citizens under its heel. Instead, it turns out the vast majority of SLAPPs are filed by little frogs in little puddles. A suit may be filed by a "big" real estate developer, but only in a local community sense. There have been some SLAPPs filed by recognized national organizations like Shell Oil and Medema Homes, but it has been rare. The reason large corporations are not filing SLAPPs may not be that they are any nicer to their political opponents. It may just be that they have better tools to stifle political opposition other than a cumbersome court case that is going to subject them to very bad public relations and maybe a multi-million dollar lost lawsuit. Basically, SLAPPs get filed by losers. A company or real estate developer that is succeeding in the political process is not going to slow things down and take the risk of filing the lawsuit. SLAPPs typically get filed by the frustrated. We have talked to many SLAPPers and find frustration a common theme; they feel they have no way to undo what the opposition is doing to them in the public political arena, so they decide to shift things to the private judicial arena, where they might have a chance to win. That is a very important thing for politically active people to keep in mind: it is when they are being most successful that they should be most alert to the possibility of somebody trying to switch forums on them with a SLAPP. MM: Have you seen any kind of backlash or move for corrective action
in the wake of high profile cases like the Oprah case or the McLibel one? |