November 2000 - VOLUME 21 - NUMBER 11
Aubrey Daniels International
Implementing the PM Process
ADI's Performance Management (PM) process is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis and focuses on the positive approach to systematically change the way people work. PM, when implemented effectively, inevitably results in measurable and meaningful business achievements and an improved and more productive work environment. Transferring PM skills and system management to an organization's internal performance managers - an essential for ongoing success - requires both training and follow-up coaching from an ADI professional. PM training and coaching includes: The ABC Model: An analysis technique for connecting behavior with consequences and using that knowledge to maximize and reinforce desired behavior. Pinpointing Results & Behaviors: The difficult art of identifying and specifically describing results and the behaviors required to attain those results. Measurement: How to develop fair and accurate measures of desired behaviors and outcomes and how to make measurement an enjoyable, even reinforcing event. Feedback: The specific and frequent sharing of performance data that leads and encourages employees to improve. Reinforcement: Combining all of the tools of PM to determine when and how to recognize and reinforce improvement and achievement to attain and sustain discretionary effort. Monitor/Evaluate: Continued monitoring of results and behaviors to evaluate progress, or lack thereof, to troubleshoot the process. What to expect: 6 Steps to Behavioral Solutions Step 1. Analysis: ADI works with your organization to increase the probability of a successful PM implementation by examining current conditions, cultures and issues. This allows you to apply PM so that it has an immediate, positive, significant and lasting impact on your workplace operations. Step 2. Planning: ADI helps your organization develop detailed plans and schedules for every phase of PM application from training to process structure to follow-up requirements. Step 3. Training: We offer several training methods to fit your needs including: On-site training for all PM participants; Advanced Performance Management Training (APMT) presented for selected representatives from your organization at ADI's Atlanta home office, to supplement and advance your on-site training and implementation; PM Basics qualifies your internal trainers to provide PM training to others in the organization. Step 4. Follow-up coaching and support: After training is completed, ADI specialists work with PM participants and your designated internal consultants through contact and consultation in small group settings, by phone, fax and/or e-mail according to customer preference. Step 5. Skills transfer: Supported by the follow-up process, skills transfer is designed with the objective of bringing PM performers to a self-sufficient level of future PM planning and implementation. ADI also offers continuing opportunities for education and training that allow you to maintain and enhance PM competencies over time. Step 6. Accountability: ADI consultants assist your organization in the design, application and management of accountability procedures so that your company can establish PM as the core component of your management process. Our goal is to ensure the long-term success of PM initiatives and to support an evolving process that meets your business objectives over time. |