Jan/Feb 2002 - VOLUME 23 - NUMBER 1 & 2


Privatization: Rip-Offs and Resistance

Cover: (c) Bulbul


Derailed: The UK’s Disastrous Experience with Railway Privatization
-Brendan Martin

Business Goes to School:
The For-Profit Corporate Drive to Run Public Schools

-Barbara Miner

Off the Grid: Mexico’s Free Market Extremism and Labor’s Challenge to Privatization
-David Bacon

Power to the People In South Africa: Operation Khanyisa! and the Fight Against Electricity Privatization
-Patrick Bond



Behind the Lines


Preparing for the Next Enron

The Front
The Big Ugly at Ok Tedi
The Boeing Boondoggle

The Lawrence Summers Memorial Award


Theft of the Century: Privatization and the Looting of Russia
An Interview with Paul Klebnikov

Undermining Security: A Warning Against Social Security Privatization
An Interview with Dean Baker


System Failure: Deregulation, Political Corruption, Corporate Fraud and the Enron Debacle
By Andrew Wheat

Also: Accounting for Bad Accounting
An Interview with John Coffee

Names In The News
